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Ralf Th. Pietsch edited this page Feb 6, 2017 · 1 revision

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  • Yet another OpenGeo class
  • version 0.1
  • @author Christian Figge
  • @date 14.03.2012
  • @email
  • @url
  • @url
  • This class uses the openGEO-Database
  • and supports Germany, Austria and Switzerland
  • (i didn't need more)
  • so feel free to add more.
  • For better performance I used a selfwritten filecache.
  • I commented this lines out, so for now everytime the database gets requested.
  • This produces a unnecessary load on your db-machine.
  • I'm using ADOdb for databasehandling, so if you want to use something different,
  • you have to implement your own handling. ($this->getDB())
  • example:
  • $oOpenGeo = new OpenGeo();
  • $oOpenGeo->setCountry('de');
  • $oOpenGeo->getProvinceByZipCode(20539);
  • returns:
  • array(
  •  	[loc_id] => 114
  •  	[text_val] => Hamburg
  •  )


class OpenGeo {

private $oDB = null;
private $sCountry = 'de';
private $aCountriesCfg = array(
	'name'	 		=> 500100000,
	'layer'			=> 400200000,
	'province'		=> 100300000,
	'locale' 		=> 'de',
	'zipID'	 		=> 500300000,
	'countryLvl' 	=> 'ld_lvl1',
	'countries' 	=> array(
		'de'	=> 105,
		'at'	=> 106,
		'ch'	=> 107

 * Checks if the country is supported
 * (de,at,ch)
 * @param string $sCountry
 * @return boolean
public function checkSupportCountry($sCountry) {
	if(in_array($sCountry, array_keys($this->aCountriesCfg['countries']))) {
		return true;
	return false;

 * Returns province for given zipCode
 * @param integer $iZipCode
 * @return array $aProvince
public function getProvinceByZipCode($iZipCode) {
	$sTextType		= $this->aCountriesCfg['name'];
	$sCountryID		= $this->aCountriesCfg['countries'][$this->sCountry];
	$sZipID			= $this->aCountriesCfg['zipID'];
	$sProvinceID	= $this->aCountriesCfg['province'];
	$aProvince		= array();

// $sCacheKey = 'province_'.$this->sCountry.'_'.$iZipCode; // $aProvince = System_Controller::getFilecache()->getData($sCacheKey);

	if(!is_array($aProvince) || empty($aProvince)) {
		$sql = &lt;&lt;&lt;SQL

SELECT geodb_textdata.loc_id, geodb_textdata.text_val FROM geodb_textdata WHERE geodb_textdata.loc_id = ( SELECT geodb_hierarchies.id_lvl3 FROM geodb_hierarchies, geodb_textdata WHERE geodb_hierarchies.id_lvl2 = ? AND geodb_textdata.text_type = ? AND geodb_textdata.text_val = ? AND geodb_textdata.loc_id = geodb_hierarchies.loc_id LIMIT 1 ) AND geodb_textdata.text_type = ? SQL; $aProvince = $this->getDB()->getRow($sql, array($sCountryID, $sZipID, $iZipCode, $sTextType));

// System_Controller::getFilecache()->setData($sCacheKey, $aProvince, 900); }

	return $aProvince;

 * Returns city for given zipCode
 * @param integer $iZipCode
 * @return array $aCity
public function getCityByZipCode($iZipCode) {
	$sTextType 		= $this->aCountriesCfg['name'];
	$sLayer 		= $this->aCountriesCfg['layer'];
	$sCountryID 	= $this->aCountriesCfg['countries'][$this->sCountry];
	$sZipID			= $this->aCountriesCfg['zipID'];
	$sLocale	 	= $this->aCountriesCfg['locale'];
	$aCity			= array();

// $sCacheKey = 'city'.$this->sCountry.'_'.$iZipCode; // $aCity = System_Controller::getFilecache()->getData($sCacheKey);

	if(!is_array($aCity) || empty($aCity)) {
		$sql = &lt;&lt;&lt;SQL

SELECT geodb_textdata.loc_id, geodb_textdata.text_val FROM geodb_textdata WHERE loc_id = ( SELECT geodb_textdata.loc_id FROM geodb_textdata WHERE geodb_textdata.loc_id = ( SELECT MIN(geodb_textdata.loc_id) FROM geodb_hierarchies, geodb_textdata WHERE geodb_hierarchies.id_lvl2 = ? AND geodb_textdata.text_type = ? AND geodb_textdata.text_val = ? AND geodb_textdata.loc_id = geodb_hierarchies.loc_id ) AND geodb_textdata.text_type = ? LIMIT 1 ) AND geodb_textdata.text_type = ? AND geodb_textdata.text_locale = ? SQL; $aCity = $this->getDB()->getRow($sql, array($sCountryID, $sZipID, $iZipCode, $sLayer, $sTextType,$sLocale));

// System_Controller::getFilecache()->setData($sCacheKey, $aCity, 900); } return $aCity; }

 * Returns all possible provinces for selected country (set via $this->setCountry())
 * @return array $aProvinces
public function getProvinces() {
	$sTextType 		= $this->aCountriesCfg['name'];
	$sCountryID 	= $this->aCountriesCfg['countries'][$this->sCountry];
	$sProvinceID 	= $this->aCountriesCfg['province'];

// $sCacheKey = 'provinces_'.$this->sCountry; // $aProvinces = System_Controller::getFilecache()->getData($sCacheKey);

	if(!is_array($aProvinces) || empty($aProvinces)) {
		$sql = &lt;&lt;&lt;SQL

SELECT DISTINCT geodb_textdata.loc_id, geodb_textdata.text_val FROM geodb_locations, geodb_hierarchies, geodb_textdata WHERE geodb_locations.loc_type = 100300000 AND geodb_locations.loc_id = geodb_hierarchies.id_lvl3 AND geodb_locations.loc_id = geodb_textdata.loc_id AND geodb_textdata.text_type = ? AND geodb_hierarchies.id_lvl2 = ? SQL; $aProvinces = $this->getDB()->getArray($sql, array($sTextType, $sCountryID));

// System_Controller::getFilecache()->setData($sCacheKey, $aProvinces, 900); }

	return $aProvinces;

public function setCountry($sCountry) {
	$this->sCountry = $sCountry;

 * Databasehandler
 * Put your own databasehandling in here.
private function getDB() {
	if(!$this->oDB) {
		$db = ADONewConnection('mysql');
		$this->oDB = $db;
	return $this->oDB;



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