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adampatterson edited this page Apr 12, 2012 · 4 revisions

As more developers contribute to Tentacle CMS it is important to maintain a consistant coding style, This will help make the code more readable and allows for easier code sharing and contributing.

Naming, Inclusion and File Location

As a basic rule the MVC routs will look something like this `` unless set specifically in the route.php file.

Tentacle uses lowercase under_score naming convention

Type Class Name File Path
* Controller {name}_controller application/controller/{name}.php
* Model {name}_model application/model/{name}.php
Helper {name} application/helper/{name}.php
View {name} application/view/{name}
  • Controllers and Models have a strict naming convention.

When to comment your code.

Comments are an important part of coding, it helps other developers gain the bigger picture. That said if you have a self explanatory method and use obvious parameters comments may be not be necessary.

// Correct
function delete( $user_id ) 

// Incorrect
 *Deletes a user of $user_id
function delete( $user_id ) 

White Space

Tab Size: 4

Type Example
Function function my_function( $a=1, $b=2 )
Class $this→my_function( $a=1, $b=2 )

Functions under a class are tabbed over, function logic is respectively tabbed in.

class foo_{type} {

public function bar( )


Curly Brackets
Curly Brackets should are placed on their own line, indented to the same level as the control statement.

// Correct
if ( $a === $b )
// Incorrect
if ( $a === $b ) {
} else {

Class Brackets
The only exception to the curly bracket rule is, the opening bracket of a class goes on the same line.

// Correct
class Foo {
// Incorrect
class Foo

Empty Brackets
Don’t put any characters inside empty brackets.

// Correct
class Foo {}
// Incorrect
class Foo { }

Array Brackets
Arrays may be single line or multi-line.

array( 'a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd' )
    'a' => 'b', 
    'c' => 'd',

Opening Parenthesis
The opening array parenthesis goes on the same line.

// Correct
// Incorrect:

Closing parenthesis 3

Single Dimension

The closing parenthesis of a multi-line single dimension array is placed on its own line, indented to the same level as the assignment or statement.

// Correct
$array = array(
// Incorrect
$array = array(

The nested array is indented one tab to the right, following the single dimension rules.

// Correct
    'arr' => array(
    'arr' => array(
    'arr' => array(...),
    'arr' => array(...),

Arrays as Function Arguments

// Correct
do( array(

// Incorrect
do( array(


As noted at the start of the array bracket section, single line syntax is also valid.

// Correct
do( array( ... ) )
// Alternative for wrapping long lines
do( $bar, 'this is a very long line',
    array( ... ) );
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