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Adam Patterson edited this page Dec 18, 2012 · 1 revision

###Overview The XSS library cleans given data of any possible XSS. The XSS library uses a whitelist to clean out XSS. Basically, all XML/HTML tags and attributes that are not on the list are removed. This is more reliable than using a blacklist, which only removes elements and attributes that you specify. You may manually load the XSS helper like this:


###Basic Usage Cleaning data of XSS is easy:

$clean = xss::clean($dirty);

xss::clean will return FALSE if the supplied data contains invalid XML. Otherwise, it will return the cleaned data.

Note: Because the XSS library uses the XML library for parsing data, so you must load the XML library before using the XSS library.

###Using A Custom Whitelist Dingo allows you to specify exactly what elements and attributes are allowed by the XSS filter:

$clean = xss::clean($dirty,array(
    'a'=>array('attributes'=>array('href'=>'URL','title'=>'/^([ \-_a-zA-Z0-9\.\/\!]+)$/'),
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