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Adam Patterson edited this page Dec 18, 2012 · 1 revision


Dingo has built in functions for managing cookies. The cookie class is always avaliable to use in your applications and does not have to be loaded.


Sets a cookie and takes one argument which is an associative array.


The above sets a cookie named user with the value Evan and it will expire when the user closes his/her browser. Here is the same example, except the cookie will expire in one month:

  'expire'=>'+1 months'

Here is an example using all of the settings:

  'expire'=>'+1 years +6 months +3 weeks +5 days +2 hours +1 minutes +24 seconds',

All of the settings - except for the expire setting - work exactly the same as the corrisponding ones in the PHP function setcookie.

The expire setting can be given a number of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds (as shown above) in any combination.


Deletes a cookie. Takes the same settings as cookie::set minus the value and expire settings.


Optionally, you can set the first argument as just the name of the cookie. This will delete the cookie using the defualt settings.


This is the same as doing this:


Or this:

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